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Join Us
Spotlight Youth Voices,
the Arts and Journalism

TEENS: Collaborate with Arts Angle Vantage to explore your community, writing, and creative expression and connect with teens across the metropolitan area. Sign up for our mailing list to receive emails and/or texts about upcoming opportunities, such as visiting us as a guest at one of our workshops. Follow us on social media for updates and announcements. Young people of all backgrounds can connect with us here.


ADULTS: Are you curious or love what we do and want to get involved? You might be an Arts Angle Vantage alumnus, a parent of an alumni or participant, an educator, or a community member interested in elevating youth voices and journalism, young people’s connection to our local creative culture, and Arts Angle Vantage. Regardless of the amount of time you can give, we have ways to get you involved. Connect with us through several avenues below. (Links are underlined.)


Volunteer with Us: We seek adults who can share their knowledge with and encourage local youth. We welcome volunteers as mentors, guest speakers, and editors. 

• Volunteer Mentors: Our mentors include those with expertise in writing, editing, photography, film, and digital and social media. Our mentors help participants sharpen their communication skills and elevate youth voices to reach the greater community. (Background checks are required of all mentors.) Register here.

• Volunteer Copy Editors: Assist with Arts Angle Vantage teens and adult staff to provide copy-editing support for digital and print products. Register here.

• Volunteer Guest Speakers: Our participants benefit from adults with experience in journalism, media (including publishing, broadcasting, digital data, advertising, etc.), and creative positions (as artists and professionals in arts administration and education). Our guest speakers help give participants wider and more diverse angles on creativity and our community. Register here.


Board or Committee Service: Our Board and Committee members champion, advocate, and advise all in service to our mission. Young people, art, journalism, and our community are at the heart of that mission. Register for either here.

• Board Service: Arts Journalism Trust • Arts Angle Vantage Board Members are involved in every aspect of our work. That includes making decisions in the organization's best interest, ensuring prudent use of the nonprofit's assets, and helping the organization plan for the future. As part of the Board, you have the opportunity to impact the organization and elevate the arts, journalism, and the voices of young people in this community.

• Committee Service: Serving on a committee is a wonderful way to share a specific skill. We are seeking people interested in volunteering on the following committees and stewarding Arts Angle Vantage over a two-year commitment. Our committees: Finance Committee, Program & Engagement Committee; Fundraising & Communication Committee.


EDUCATORS: Educators can bring Arts Angle Vantage to their school or organization through in-school and after-school workshops and extended residencies that provide targeted hands-on learning to meet your needs. Our goals are to develop creative and critical-thinking skills; foster curiosity and delight in art, the culture of creating and writing; and help students find and use their voice. Connect with us.


IN THE COMMUNITY: Arts Angle Vantage emphasizes collaborating with key community organizations to provide young people access to local creatives and news and media outlets. We do this to
• inform conversations about creativity and leadership
• shape ideas about local creativity and the media landscape
• enhance the reach of youth-generated stories and viewpoints.


Cultural Collaborators: Our stories are about creative endeavors, people, and works. Young people in Arts Angle Vantage want and need access to understand who does this work, how it is done, what it is, and what it means. So, Arts Angle Vantage collaborates with creatives and cultural entities on projects in several ways. We seek simple access and pitches from creatives and cultural entities on program and story ideas for our young people to consider. We want to hear from you.


Media Organizations: From the beginning, Arts Angle Vantage has practiced collaborative journalism to elevate youth voices and bolster journalism and discussion of the arts and creativity. If you are a journalism/media organization, we seek to collaborate with you to enhance cultural coverage and make youth voices an integral part of your coverage. Let's collaborate.


ALUMNI ADVISORY COUNCIL: Are you an Arts Angle Vantage alumnus (i.e. a 21+-year-old who no longer qualifies for our programming) and want to reconnect? You can join our Alumni Advisory Council. Learn more or get involved here.


LOOKING FOR SOMETHING ELSE? There are different ways to get involved. We welcome support via many avenues such as hands-on tasks and projects. Get in touch! And you can always donate.

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