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Art of Collaboration: Edge works with local media reporting on 2020 Governor's School for the Arts

Adaptability is among the strongest characteristics of enduring artists. That is always coupled with the impulse to give voice to their visions, thoughts and emotions. During this Covid-19 pandemic, many artists are compelled to continue to create.

In the same vein, Arts Bureau Edge saw the opportunity to launch a new arts journalism project when Kentucky Governor’s School for the Arts (GSA) decided in May to carry on its summer program virtually.

The Courier Journal published Arts Bureau Edge reporter Debra Murray's article covering Kentucky Governor's School for the Arts along with poems by GSA creative writing students On'Dria Gibson, Louisville Male High School (top far left); A’Taijah Burrus, Academy at Shawnee High School (top middle left); and Natalia Mendoza-Andres, Sacred Heart Academy (top left).

The Courier Journal

LEO Weekly

Soon, five Edge reporters outlined their article ideas and then attended GSA sessions via Zoom, interviewed students and faculty, and worked on their seven pieces (see links below under team members' names) through several coaching and editing meetings.

Now, the community can be read their work through several outlets.

The reason: Edge embraces opportunity through collaborative journalism. Through partnerships on this project with The Courier Journal and LEO Weekly the arts receive wider coverage and these Edge reporters’ articles reach a larger readership. Partners also help amplify the voices of the community youth. (The Courier Journal even requested to publish several poems by GSA creative writing students.)

Much appreciation goes to Veda Morgan, The Courier Journal’s senior director for engagement, diversity and opinion, as well as Breaking News Editor Nick Hollkamp. Edge gives considerable gratitude to LEO Weekly Managing Editor Keith Stone and Editor-at-Large Scott Recker, who have brought Edge reporters’ work to the community since this program began in June 2018.

— Elizabeth Kramer, founder, Arts Bureau Edge

The Team

Arts Bureau Edge reporters Gracie Vanover (top left); Irena Fletcher (top right); Debra Murray (bottom left) Annie Whaley (bottom right); and Angel Cathey (center left).

Angel Cathey, a rising junior in the communications/journalism program at d uPont Manual High School, has written for the Manual RedEye newspaper. She has participated in two other Arts Bureau Edge workshops — in June 2018 covering Floyd Central High School's production of "Newsies" and fall 2019 covering Pandora Production's "Fun Home."

Irena Fletcher, a rising junior at duPont Manual High School/Youth Performing Arts School (band magnet), has studied dance and music (instrumental and voice). She participated in Arts Bureau Edge's first workshop covering Floyd Central High School's production of "Newsies."

Debra Murray, a 2020 graduate of Pleasure Ridge Park High School entering her freshman year at Western Kentucky University as a journalism major this fall, already has a job with the College Height Herald, the university newspaper. She was in Arts Bureau Edge's workshop covering Actors Theatre of Louisville's 2019 Humana Festival of New American Plays.

Gracie Vanover, a 2020 graduate of Floyd Central High School, is entering her freshman year at Indiana University Southeast, where she will study journalism. At Floyd Central, she was The Bagpiper's Editor-in-Chief (the school newspaper) her senior year and Assistant A&E Editor her junior year. In spring 2020, she was WNAS and FCTV producer. During high school, she also was a member of the Highlander Marching Band and concert and pep band in which she played clarinet, bass clarinet and alto saxophone. Vanover has participated in four other Arts Bureau Edge workshops, the most of any student. The workshops include covering performances of Broadway series productions "Aladdin" and "Something Rotten" Actors Theatre of Louisville's 2019 Humana Festival of New American Plays and "The Wolves."

Annie Whaley, a rising senior in the communications/journalism program at duPont Manual High School, has written for the Manual RedEye newspaper and On The Record newsmagazine. Whaley has participated in two other Arts Bureau Edge workshops, covering the 2019 and 2020 Humana Festival of New American Plays at Actors Theatre of Louisville.

The Courier Journal (online) published Arts Bureau Edge reporter Debra Murray's article covering Kentucky Governor's School for the Arts along with poems by GSA creative writing students A’Taijah Burrus, Academy at Shawnee High School (right); On'Dria Gibson, Louisville Male High School (top left); and Natalia Mendoza-Andres, Sacred Heart Academy (bottom left).



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A project of Arts Journalism Trust, Inc.

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