Studies report curiosity has so many benefits. Curiosity makes us happier, expands our happiness and strengthens our relationships. It helps us survive and rise.
Curiosity also can lead you check us out at Arts Angle Vantage’s virtual Open House at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 28. Attendees must register to attend by 3 p.m that same day. to receive a link and access the event.

Just sign up here and we will send you details and a link to be a part of the event. And invite a friend!
During the Open House we will give details about us, answer your questions about us and summarize our next free opportunity — Art of the Profile, our workshop starting on Jan. 6. (Registration deadline is Wednesday, Jan. 3.)
You also will be able to talk with and ask questions of some of our alumni. (We will announce them soon.)
Here are what alumni say about us.
• “The program gave me a passion for writing again. And it’s been the coolest activity I can look back on when I graduate.” — Halle
• “It will push you to be more involved. It will push you to be more aware of things in your community that you maybe weren't aware of before.” — Jewel
• “Not only did it help me become a better writer. It helped me become a better person.” — Tia
Below you can see profiles by past participants on the Arts Angle Vantage site.

• March 3, 2023: A homecoming: Artist Noel Anderson shares work, life experiences with West End School students, more | By By Michelle Quan, duPont Manual High School, Class of 2023
• Aug. 24, 2022: Intimacy coordinator in “Shakespeare’s R&J” production supports actors | By Abigail Knoop, New Albany High School, Class of 2022
• Dec. 9, 2019: Artist behind scenic art in ‘Fun Home’ puts ideas of graphic novel centerstage |By Jewel Shaw, Louisville Male High School, Class of 2022
Join us. We can’t wait to meet you.