Covering Kentucky Governor’s School for the Arts had always been a goal since Arts Bureau Edge began working with young people to help them step into the role of arts journalists covering the Louisville region in 2018. That goal seemed far off — given the logistics and the expenses for these young reporters to attend in a normal year.
Kentucky Governor’s School for the Arts Artist-in-Residence Harry Pickens joined GSA faculty member Donald Speer for a masterclass teaching instrumental music piano students. Courtesy Kentucky Performing Arts.
But when GSA announced in May it would be holding the program virtually, I knew this was something that Arts Bureau Edge’s young journalists could do.
With the assistance of the GSA staff — granting us access to sessions and classes and connecting us with students and faculty — we did it. Here are the fruits of these young journalists’ efforts. Their hard work makes me proud, and their enthusiasm for arts journalism encourages me about the future of the craft.
— Elizabeth Kramer, Arts Bureau Edge
More on GSA from Arts Bureau Edge
Arts Bureau Edge journalists covering Kentucky Governor’s School for the Arts Artist-in-Residence. From top left to bottom right: Angel Cathey, duPont Manual High School; Gracie Vanover, graduate Floyd Central High School; Debra Murray, graduate Pleasure Ridge Park High School; Irena Fletcher; duPont Manual High School/Youth Performing Arts School; and Annie Whaley, duPont Manual High School.