Art and artists often inspire and invite people to participate in places outside theaters and museums we might not usually consider — and that happened this year in a few dozen community spaces throughout the city with Metro Louisville’s inaugural HeARTS Initiative.
Launched in 2022, its aim is to bring the healing power of the arts and incorporate local artists’ and organizations’ strengths to nurture unity throughout the city and give people citywide access to creative endeavors. Louisville Metro Government's Parks and Recreation provided locations with its many community centers and Fund for the Arts provided funding oversight and other logistical support.
Arts Angle Vantage reporter Brayden West, right, with Fund for the Arts Director of Community Impact Sarah Lindgren, left, at the Aug 26 exhibit opening at the Beechmont Community Center. Photo by Arts Angle Vantage.
Arts Angle Vantage was there to report on the initiative during this first year with its range of city artists leading activities throughout the city. We met with teens at the South Louisville and Beechmont community centers where teens interviewed artists, wrote articles and, with the guidance of photographer Ayrica Bishop, took photographs.
The reporters wrapped up their articles, which you can find below and in LEO Weekly. And their photographs make up a special exhibit.
Seeing HeARTS • An Exhibit and Celebration of Art and Life
205 West Wellington Avenue
Genesis Arts workshop at Shawnee Community Center. Photo by Don'Tia Almon.
The photographs reflect selected programs from Genesis Arts and Redline Performing Arts and contain portraits of participating artists including Ashley Cathey of The Healing Walls Project, Nicole Hayden of Friends of Nicole’s 50/50 Mentoring Collaborative, Sara Noori who worked with Backside Learning Center, Jill Marie Guelda of Looking for Lilith Theatre Company, and Skylar Smith who partnered with Erica Rucker to lead “Exploration of Self.”
— Elizabeth Kramer, Executive Director, Arts Angle Vantage
Read their articles in LEO Weekly, our media partner on this project.
Or read their articles here:
Devin Jordan and Artemis Jones in the Art Angle Vantage program at Beechmont Community Center. Photo by Brooklyn Moore.